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Pianta un albero
To mitigate climate change
Act now with a simple gesture: choose to plant trees and participate in the fight against global warming
You can do it too with Sughero4CO2 with maximum transparency
We plant the trees for you and document each step of the process on a public Blockchain that is permanently accessible via the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS). We usually plant trees within one week of order*
Sughero4co2 is committed to providing a high quality solution for carbon offsetting, lworking only with projects that meet high sustainability standards and that they are subjected to rigorous scrutiny by third parties independent. In this way, it ensures that every euro spent on offsetting CO2 emissions has a real impact on the fight against climate change.

segli quati alberi
Calculate your footprint and then decide how much CO2 will you want to compensate
The voluntary carbon market (VCM) represents an important tool for the fight against climate change, but today it appears as a system that is difficult to access for individuals andbusinesses.
To solve this problem,Sughero4co2 offers an easy, fast and transparent solutionfor offsetting CO2 emissions, using blockchain technology. Thanks to this approach, everyone can offset their carbon footprint from anywhere in the world,leaving an immutable record and tracesskillful.
Adopt a Forest Nub or choose how many trees you want to plant.
Start making a difference to our planet now!
Planting a tree is simple!
But it needs to be cared for and monitored to ensure proper growth, especially during the first two years of its life

We take care of eachi wait and you can follow online the trees planted
Receive thecertificate of compensationof your trees and within a week you receive thePlanting certificatewith the files notarized inBlockchain**.
We plant trees on the land of local farming families to support them and the economic development of the area. In return, the farmers pledge to take care of the new trees and protect the existing forests for the future.
Trees are able to produce oxygen and subtract CO2 from the atmosphere, clean the air and increase biodiversity.
With the planting of trees you are taking a concrete action to expand the forest area and start the renaturalization of the land, with benefits for the climate, the air and biodiversity.​
Give the best gift anyone can receive, a tree is suitable for all occasions
The tree planting subscription is an important solution to offset CO2 emissions and reduce the impact of climate change. Create forests that absorb CO2 and support local farmers with stable funding.
Why plant the Cork Oak?
- Its CO2 absorption capacity is among the highest
- Allows economic development through the production of cork
- Helps fight desertification and promote biodiversity

Every year, Mediterranean cork oaks absorb 14 million tons of CO2, each ton of cork sequesters up to 73 tons of COâ‚‚, helping to counteract global warming

The Cork Oak (Quercus Suber L.) it is an evergreen and long-lived plant that grows in the Mediterranean and Iberian Peninsula regions. It has a great ability to regenerate and lives an average of 200 years.
Every nine years the trees are skilfully peeled to obtain the cork, which is used to produce excellent materials for thermal and acoustic insulation and the best corks for wine.
According to a study, the production process of cork stoppers emits 24 times less CO2 than screw caps and 10 times less than plastic ones. The cork oak forest is a major environmental resource, it helps to stop desertification, contain drought and preserve biodiversity.
It is also a resource for the territories, since from just one hectare of cork forest it is possible to produce 40 quintals of cork which can sequester up to 292 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Make a decision for the future, plant a tree today and help create a green and sustainable world
Conservation and reforestation projects
Our projects are open to anyone who wants to participate by making their land available for reforestation actions with native plants. If you are interested, write a message and we will call you back to to evaluate together the possibility of starting a reforestation plant on your land.
Mappa degli Alberi
Consult the map of the Trees which have been planted
choose what to do

** La tracciabilità della messa a dimora degli alberi viene garantita utilizzando un ID univoco ed immutabile (Hash) registrato su un registro pubblico Blockchain. La documentazione fotografica geolocalizzata è disponibile online su IPFS. Per verificare la notarizzazione Blockchain di un file o per cercare un albero tramite il suo ID univoco (Hash), è possibile utilizzare il nostro Verification Explorer
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