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Choose the trees you want to plant eget yours nowcertificate of compensation! Within a week, when the trees are planted, you will receive thePlanting certificateand the documents notarized in the Blockchain*. You can start simply by adopting a "Slice of the forest" or by planting just one meter of flowers for the Bees!

Plant a tree and follow its growth! We record and geolocate every tree we plant on the public Blockchain, giving you a precise traceability of your environmental compensation. Furthermore, at the time of planting, you will receive the certification proof on the blockchain with the unique ID code of the tree (Hash), which will allow you to verify the planting phases and to find your trees at any time using Verification Explorer. We are proud to offer a transparent and accurate service to ensure that your environmental compensation is sustainable and verifiable.
Geoloc. Notarizzazione
* A seconda della stagione se abbiamo le piantine disponibili nei vivai, piantiamo gli alberi mediamente entro una settimana dall'ordine. Nel caso in cui non dovessimo avere le piantine disponibili, bisognerà attendere i tempi necessari alla crescita o al reperimento di nuove piantine.
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