Embark on a path to carbon neutrality, crea awinning synergybetween thesustainabilityenvironmental e le entrepreneurial activities, opening the doors to competitive advantages to differentiate yourself from the competition, and attract new customers.
Nielsen has found that66% of world consumers prefer to buy products from companies committed to reducing their environmental impact. Research conducted by the University of Oxford has shown that consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from sustainable companies committed to eco-friendly practices.
Create your own
corporate forest
Every time you take a compensation action by choosing one of our services, you contribute to the creation of your corporate forest. Your company will have a personalized page that collects all the trees you have planted and the amount of CO2 you have contributed to subtracting from the environment.
verifiable transparent

Geolocation and notarizationallow traceabilitythe transparency and theimmutability of data. Your customers will be able to see where the trees that make up your forest and projects are located of forestation you are supporting with your contributions.
Communicate yours
green sustainability
Every tree you plant is a tool for creating aemotional bondwith your customers and employees. If you are looking for a transparent and concrete way to increase the reputation of your brand, to distinguish yourself in a unique, engaging and transparent way, start telling your audience a positive green story about your company or your product/service
Our services
We offertwo categoriesof services,Eco brandingfor medium and large companies, eEasy Neutralfor commercial activities, professional studios, small businesses, etc.
Our turnkey packages consist of trees of different species, which we plant in sustainable forestry projects located in different places around the world. The selected species are adapted to the needs of the territories and local populations, to contribute to their development.
Your forest will be a collection of diverse and meaningful trees. Therefore, we don't choose trees just for their beauty, but to respect the needs of the place where they are planted, improving the environment and people's lives.

Eco branding
Medium and large companies
We carefully calculate CO2 emissions and design solutions to offset them with customized planting plans. We propose actions for residual emissions through investments in sustainable development projects and low environmental impact technologies. Ti offer our passion for the environment and the experience of professionals in forestation and afforestation, in marketing and communication, to create unique and exciting campaignsthat will show your commitmentand theconcrete actions that the company is undertakingto protect our planet.

Easy Neutral
Business, Professional office, Small business
This solution will help you to share and talk about your ecological initiative. It's perfect if you're looking to put your dedication to the environment and community into practice. It is also ideal for creating a special gift that will establish a lasting bond with your customers and/or employees
Our offset packages offer you turnkey solutions to jump-start your business towards carbon neutrality. Thanks to our innovative approach, we help companies achieve the goal of environmental sustainability by offering personalized, complete and easy-to-use services. Each service includes certification and graphic material useful for communicating your ecological commitment in the store, on social media and in marketing campaigns, so that your customers and employees can feel involved and inspired by the your example.
our Compensation Solutions
choose how many trees to plant in your forest, how much CO2 do you want to offset? find your certificate and start the Green path of your Company!
You will immediately receive the"Compensation certificate" and within a week, as soon as we have planted the trees, you will receive the "Planting certificate". We will also send you the personalized graphics with suggestions to organically communicate your commitment to fight climate change.
Find out what we can to calculate product carbon footprint and company footprint, learn more, click here
If you want to know preciselyne how many greenhouse gases your company emits during normal activities, count on us! We can provide you with an exact calculation and a detailed strategy to aim at decarbonising your company, becoming a real spearhead in terms of ecology and sensitivity towards your customers.